(0) I’mStarting At The End (Part 3): The Dream Vision of The Crystal Pilgrim.

(0)”Dream Vision Of The Crystal Pilgrim” at Keem by Sean O’Dwyer Mixed Media

In part two of this entry I mentioned I had a dream which started off this journey for me . These images illustrate that dream as accurately as I can and this morning I realise that it connects many aspects of my life and various understandings about what living means . In many ways these writings are an attempt to relate some of those ideas.

At some time around 2017 I had had a dream of a man of glittering pink rose red crystal with a staff and a small turquoise water canteen carrying The water of Life who rose up through the ground as if being made in the earth or coming from beneath it. On the ground in the hedgerow were propped paintings showing the fields and the verges which he traversed.  A sacred branch lay along the path he tread . He was shining and bright. Happy and determined, he was hardened by the rebirth, made anew. This felt like where he should be. He could now do more and make more progress. He loved walking the fields and the undiscovered landscape. He strode forward. The paintings around him were other scenes from his journey.

The Crystal Pilgrim.

(You can see right through. 
You can see every thing I have ever done)

Restless underground 
in the hollow.
Awaiting the dawn to come around
You reach upwards.
First the pilgrims staff
breaching the soil
Splitting the caked earth.
To the hand that clasps it gives birth

Rising from your burial, 
Looking to the four corners,
Your arm outstretched. 
the staff raised in triumph.
You laugh!
You have come this far,
You rejoice! 
your head emerges 

But on your surface
reflected is everything. 
The ancient young trees that surround you, 
your path,
the otherworld canopy,
the paintings on the ground, 
leaning against the narrow trunks,
jewelled emerald leaves.

But then upwards strains
your body holding 
Pink crystal light. 
Shining and pure 
A talisman of hope.
A flask of The Aqua Vitae, turquoise quartz 
Hanging from your shoulder. 
A dramatic entrance upon the stage
You are elevated above your feet
Now resting on the earth,
Seemingly ageless 
Joined to eternity
Are you the future or the past?
Neither, you are NOW. 

The Fire of Heaven has compressed you 
You are made from hardened light,
But lighter than 
The shadow world materiality,

You are Her Aether Made,
Her Gracefilled, 
breathing life into you.
You stand and take the first stride.
The step you are ready to take, 
determined to hold Her high
along Her Path you are conveyed. 
She Shows The Way (The First Dream) Mixed Media Image
The First Painting: She Shows The Way

There a scene made as if on a moon
of another distant occupied planet.
She leads you the cave 
Wherein your past is laid 
written on the walls of your self.
Ashen coloured interior 
Sins and misdemeanours
Wrongs all outlayed.

Ashamed of a sin
which you tried to pound
into the dust , crushed bone
Mixed with oils of regret 
In the hearth of the fireplace. 
To hide as pigment smeared in the recess.
Confused by other graffiti 
It must be singled out with care
And offered up To Her. 
The Judas Kiss.
Only then can come 
The first release….

For the prisoner from the mindset 
The spirit from the body kept.
Set upon the cornerstone.
to be built upon the journey home. 
The Emerging Pilgrim (A scene from The First Dream ) Mixed Media Installation

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